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  1. Hi, I simulated a plant in Germany, so I should have a lot of shadow ;) I would agree for a plant near the equator.
  2. Hi, when using the batch simulation, I always have to switch the options within Excel do use dots or comma for the decimal. If I change it in PVsyst, it does not work.
  3. Hi, I wanted to simulate the difference between portrait and landscape orientation of the modules. 3D simulation, 20° tilt, same distance between the rows for both variants (4 m), 10 shedes/tables in a row String layout: 3 strings in high (3 modules) The result had no difference for both variants. I expected the landscape variant to be a bit better, since the shading losses should be smaller (60 cell module, 3 diodes). Anything made wrong in the simulation layout?
  4. The problem still remains...
  5. I tried another thing. I first did the string layout, so it worked. But importing the module layout frm Helios would be a nice option.
  6. No, this changed nothing, still the wrong layout
  7. Hi, I imported a pv plant from Helios 3D. Now all tables have a wrong layout. Maybe by default all are 4x12 landscape. The table design in Helios is 3X20 portrait format. Is there any mistake done in Helios or do I have to edit every single table to portrait and 3 modules in high and 20 modules in length?
  8. Hello, I want to simulate the REC Twin Peak Modules http://www.recgroup.com/en/products/rec-twinpeak-family-powerplant?parent=101&type=product This is a standard size module but with 2x60 cells parallel (6 strings). Do you have any idea, how to simulate this correctly? Creating two modules and simulating two modules in height instead of one module??
  9. Ok, I found some Solarworld PERC modules.
  10. Hi, is it possible to simulate mono PERC module (any suplier)? Are there any pan files available?
  11. Hello, me again... The new Huawei SUN2000-42 kTL can be set to 42 kW and 47 kVA -> 42 kW plus 5 kVA -> cos phi = 0.9 Should I set in the OND file: Nominal AC power = 42 kW Maxium AC Power = 47 kW (this should be kVA) If I switch "output parameters -> Nominal AC power defined as" from kVA to kW the units under "Main parameters" are switching too. This is a bit confusing to me.
  12. Hi, I upgraded from 6.40 to 6.43. But now I can't import from meteorom in the project design. What has changed in the new version?
  13. Ok, I will write an e-mail to SMA. We use a "Pnom ratio >1.4", so we get some losses with delivering apparent power. Thats why I want to simulate it correctly. ;)
  14. Hi, in Germany we have (mostly) to set the cos(phi)=0.9. The SMA 25000TL "outout parameters" are tan(phi)=-9.95 to +9.95, so I can choose a cos(phi) from 0.1 to 1, right? Nominal AC Power defined as -active power [kW] Should in not be set to "Apparent power [kVA]" be default? The SMA 25000 TL datasheet says 25,000 kVA. Miscellaneous tools: Power facor: Again, [kVA] or [kW] for the "Nominal maximum power defined as"
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