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  1. Hi, The problem was resolved in version 8.0.6. Thank you!!
  2. I checked that the shading factor was corrected in version 8.0.5. Thank you for your support.
  3. Hello, Thank you for supporting Japanese language, but some sentences are blank or garbled. The following images are some examples on the report. If I copy and paste the blank sentences, they are displayed. Do I need to configure any settings to display it correctly? Thank you.
  4. Hello Michele, Thank you for your reply. I sent the project file to support@pvsyst.com. Please check it and let me know if you need other information.
  5. Hello, I compared near shadings value on Loss diagram in version 7 and 8 under the same variant. ver7.4.8 => -0.41% ver8.0.2 => -1.01% The following shading diagrams(ver7/8) shows the difference during the morning and evening hours. Is this a specification due to the update? or a bug? Thank you.
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