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  1. Age

    Bifacial gain

    Thank you! That helped me out. Ill neglect bifacial gains for EW systems for now. Age
  2. Hi, I would like to calculate the bifacial gains of an EW solar park. I made a 3D shading scene. East west oriented. Height of 0.8m. for some reason the second orientation always uses the values height 1.5m and albedo 0.3. and i am not sure why. do i have a setting wrong? thanks in advance Age
  3. any answers/ updates on this topic, I also would like to know Peter
  4. Thank you André! I adjusted the low-light performance of the module and ran the simulation!
  5. Hi all, I noticed i can adjust the Rserie value of 0.230ohm in such a way that the graph intersects my given datapoints. is this the method to adjust accordingly? Thanks in advance Age
  6. Hello, For a batch of modules we have done some tests and concluded that although the batch passed the STC acceptance tests. The deviation at low irradiance (200W/m2) is approximate -4,7 to -5%. (-5% was the limit so the batch just passed) However this is lower than according to the panfile used in the pvsyst simulation. We calculated that for our site there is low irradiation during about 2/3rd of operating hours and therefore I would like make a simulation to calculate how big the effect of this deviation is on expected production. My question is how do I properly adjust the module characteristics to add this effect? is it sufficient to add the relative efficencies for low light performance or do I model this in a different way? Thanks in advance Age
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