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  1. Hi, Despite that there are plenty of batteries, inverters etc in the PV Sys library, there are also new models that have to be inserter. Can you please share the proper way to do it one by one or manullay inserting (for example) an excel file. Thanks
  2. Thank you very much. Moreover, please let me know how can I add more than one type of inverter in my installation?
  3. Thank you very much. One more queistion. The feed-in tarrif price is the price teh consumer buys from the grid? Where do we put the price of the energy that the produced sells to the grid (the excess of energy in net billing systems) Moreover, if there prices of buying from the grid and sellign to the grid, is changinf throught the year, where do we put those data? Thanks
  4. Thank you for your remarks. Currently, the new legislation referers to net billing strategey but with 15min timesteps. So we are talking a model with selfconsumption while the excess of energy either stored or sold to the network but in 15minutes timesteps. That means that we need to compare the energy with this large frequency.. Is this possilble to PvSyst? (the enerfy from batteries cannot be injected to the grid) Moreover the cost of the electricity that is sold is something unstable and depends on many factors which change it every month. I believe that this is something that cannot be defined in pvsyst, right? Lastly, in order to design the most suitalbe solution for a client, I am a little confused of how pv syst work. We make scenarios to pvsyst (with different kW or battery capacities) and compare these scenarios in terms of cost adn WE decide the most suitable solution OR we enter data to pvsyst and we wait from Pvsyst the most suitable solution in terms of cost?
  5. After searching quite long, i cannot figure out if there is the possibility to study and evaluate systems under the condition of net billing. Sepcifically we are talking about self consumption systems, but the excess of energy is stored and sold to the network in a daily basis. The tricky part here, is that we need to focus and evaluate the system in a daily basis in order to maximise the silmutaneous production and consumption (meaning it is a good exercise for cost..) I can upload to pv syst not only the prices of the equipemnt but also the energy consumption per hour. Can you please guide me how can i Set a system like that or even better if there some video tutorials?
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