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  1. Sorry,i fogot to use English. Hello everyone, I have meeted some difficulties and hope that friends can answer them. I built a mountain power station with "shading factor table" as shown in the image. I noticed that some numbers uses blue font. The blue font indicates the back, but sometimes appears as a blue number, such as 0.312 at -80° in azimuth and 2° in elevation. Sometimes, it appears as a blue "behind", as seen at the azimuth of -60° and the elevation of 2°. Below is a diagram of the two monitors. I don't see any difference between the two, but why is the "Shading Factor Table" displayed differently?
  2. Sorry,i fogot to use English. Hello everyone, I have meeted some difficulties and hope that friends can answer them. I built a mountain power station with "shading factor table" as shown in the image. I noticed that some numbers uses blue font. The blue font indicates the back, but sometimes appears as a blue number, such as 0.312 at -80° in azimuth and 2° in elevation. Sometimes, it appears as a blue "behind", as seen at the azimuth of -60° and the elevation of 2°. Below is a diagram of the two monitors. I don't see any difference between the two, but why is the "Shading Factor Table" displayed differently?
  3. 大家好,我遇到了一些困难,希望有朋友能解答. 我建了一个山地电站,其阴影系数表如图所示。我注意到手册使用了蓝色字体。蓝色字体表示背面,但有时显示为蓝色数字,例如 0.312 在方位角为 -80°,仰角为 2°。有时,它显示为蓝色的“后面”,如在 -60° 的方位角和 2° 的仰角处看到的那样。下面包括两个显示器的图。我看不出两者之间有什么区别,但为什么“着色系数表”的显示方式不同呢?
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