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Everything posted by Pranav

  1. Hello Team, I would like to Import my Roof 3D Model into pvsyst, which is in DAE Format. I am Trying it import it, but it says file format is not Valid. Could help me with it, how I can do it in Pvsyst. Thank You. Regards, Pranav
  2. Hi, Thank you so much for the quick guidance. Thank You
  3. Hello Team I am trying to simulate a south orientated system with bifacial module. my system has different size table. How can I simulate the Bifacial system with different table sizes ? Thank You.
  4. Hello Team, As you can see below. I am getting the error for the differnce between the azimuths as well with the error average orientation is too high. As the average is in minus, how I can i change the other limitations in the Project setting. Thank You. Regards, Pranav
  5. Hello Everyone, I am Planning Agrivoltaics system. For the better design, i need to know how much Irradiation is reaching to the ground system after the solar panels. Is there any possiblity in Pvsyst to get theses values? As I want to use these values for the Crop simulations. Thank You
  6. scenario is, there is already wind turbines installed. I need to plan a solar park in the same area, but the I have grid export limit is just 3.5 MWh. wind production is 2.2 MWh, that has to be completely exported to the grid. now Planned pv system is 6,8 MWp. I want to simulate such condition after battery storage, how much energy we are going to loose. I need to calculate yield under this conditions. (Grid export from the solar is just 1,5 MWh) Thank You
  7. Hello Everyone, I want to simulate the hybrid system combining wind and solar. Now I want to set Grid export limit for Pv production, Remaining energy must use to charge the battery. There is no self consumption just Battery charging from pv energy. No energy should use from Grid to charge the battery. Can I simulate such systems in Pvsyst ?
  8. I have consumption data for every 15 mins in excel. Is there any possiblity to import this consumption data in pvsyst
  9. Thanks for the reply. I have oner more questions regarding power outpur prt mpp as well as per inverters. How can get such results? Thank You. Regards, Pranav
  10. Hello Everyone, 1. I need a perfect analysis for shading affect per Mppt. Like power loss per module per mppt. 2. If I want to show the results in my presentation for the percentages of shadow per module. 3. If I want to print String plan for solar park, For eg. (Inverter.mpp.String.Module Number) in such format or any suitable format from pvsyst. How I can find this 3 features in pvsyst. I hope I will soon here some suggesstions from you. Thank you. Regards, pranav
  11. Thank you so much for your response. I tried this one and it worked. Thanks once again
  12. Hello Everyone, I am trying to import a .Pvc file from pvcase. I have imported it successfully but I am getting Problem in Module layout , where I am trying for string Planning. The module layout is too different than what I actually imported. I have followed the all the instruction. But couldnt got the actual layout. I am attaching two pictures. Please help me through this.
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