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Everything posted by JanGG

  1. Good day, Recently PVGIS has updated to the new version 5.3 but I am not able to import meteo data from this version. In PVSyst I'm only able to select version 5.2 or 5.1, in the online portal from PVGIS I'm able to download the meteo data in ccv, json or epw, but I can't figure out how to import these datafiles into datafiles into PVSyst. Could you help me with this problem? Thank you in advance, Jan Kleppe Generation Green
  2. Hello, At the moment I'm working on a PV-project mounted on a facade. However the software I'm working with (VirtoSolar) doesn't support facade systems. To get arround this problem I just made a flat roof 3D model in VirtoSolar, and I want to flip this .pvc model in PVSyst on it's side. Sadly this doesn't work for me, I'm only able to rotate the whole building arround the azimuth, and if I change the tilt angle it messes up the whole scene. Is there a way to change the origin or rotate the whole building on it's side?
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