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  1. Yes I'm simulating for the first year, but could I get the exact value from the report and the aging table. Because it also resulting in different PR value, which will be problem for administration purpose.
  2. I want to generate simulation with using aging table, but the energy generation in report and aging table is different. Is there any way to make the generation match?
  3. Thanks for the solution I've already solved the issue using that solution, however I've stumbled into different problem. When I use multiple orientation in the system, bifacial effect couldn't be use because it only can run on "fixed tilt" or "Unlimited sheds". Is there any solution for this issue?
  4. We set load only available between 7AM-6PM, why between 7PM to 6 AM BESS/Battery discharge power? is this for auxiliary power? how to set/remove this
  5. I'm trying to use bifacial simulation on the 3d model that I made using Candela3d (Sketchup Plugin), but PVSyst cannot run the simulation. My guess is because PVSyst can only run bifacial simulation if I use "array of tables" in the shading simulation. Is my guess correct? or should I do something to run the 3d model from Candela3d?
  6. I'm planning to design a PV system that have an orientation to north (Azimuth 0°) but due too terrain that I used, the overall plane azimuth keep changing up to -20°. The problem with that is, Firstly i'm not sure is -20° are the optimum azimuth for my system or not Secondly, my report will be questionable because usually the optimum azimuth in my region (Indonesia) is around )° Is there any way to set the plane azimuth to 0° even I'm using the un-flat terrain?
  7. So, i was modelling a shading scene and used a ground data from .csv, but when i import the data, there are some lines that generated in the model even there're no data in my csv file that location point. I'm wondering will this line affect on the near shading simulation? because from the 3d perspective this line is higher than the PV sheds.
  8. I also faced the same issue, have you figured out why?
  9. I'm trying to import ground data by using CSV file that i got from QGis, but i always received error message like this Here is the CSV file that i used for the shading model
  10. I was simulating an on-grid PV plant with battery. After looking at the hourly data, I've got some Energy Battery Charge with negative value. I've got little confused about this value mean, because there's also Energy Battery Discharge value in the hourly dataset.
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