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  1. If you're upgrading to windows 10, be sure to transfer license out of PC before upgrading. Otherwise, the PVsyst 6 will not activate.
  2. Thanks for prompt response Andre. I believe this will be useful feature.
  3. I am not sure if this is the intended purpose but I was trying to take existing variant from a grid connected project and run through measured data analysis tool. The software lets me create a new variant from VC# files and it even lets me do simulation and save but when I go back the saved CM0 variant disappears. After looking at the project folder, I noticed that it actually created another VC# variant rather than CM0. I am using Version 6.26 (Here are the steps) 1. Create a project under Project Design - Grid Connected. Save a variant. 2. Go to Tools - Measured Data Analysis - Create variant From - Choose the previously saved variant in step 1(VC0 file). 3. Run simulation/save variant. 4. close PVsyst 5. Open the measured data project you saved in step 3. If this is not intended purpose, it would be good feature to have instead of recreating new variant from scratch which is time consuming when you have lot of sites to analyze. Thanks. - Vrajesh
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