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Everything posted by SRP

  1. Thank you for the answer. I would like to ask again, can Transposition Factor calculate the tilt angle every one degree? Or according to 15 degrees as it can be displayed. Thank you.
  2. Hi, I would like to ask about the 'Quick optimization with respect to' feature that provides information regarding the reception of solar radiation intensity by adjusting the tilt or azimuth. For optimization based on 'Summer (Oct-Mar)' and 'Winter (Apr-Mar)' irradiation, does it apply to all locations in the world? I mean every point on earth has different summer and winter time, right? Where is the reference used by this software so that I can adjust it to my location. Thank you and please explain. Note: In this case, I set the location in Indonesia. Is the summer and winter time that is used as a reference automatically adjusted to my location? Because in that location it should be Apr-Mar is summer.
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