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Everything posted by Amirhossein

  1. Greetings I have a problem with the results from a vertical structure equipped with bifacial modules. It is strange that PVSYST underestimates the energy output from this condition compared to PVSOL software (the results are much lower than PVSOL, up to 17% in hourly resolution for our setting) for the same inputs. I have used a bifacial module at a height from the ground of 70 cm, an albedo factor of 25%, a pitch of 10 m, and a bifacial module with a bifaciality factor of 80%, a tilt of 90 degrees, and an azimuth of -90 degrees (the front side of the PV module faces totally to the East) for Italy. We believe that it is unusual and unacceptable compared to the real condition and running/on-going vertical system. I've double-checked everything, but the results are still unexpected even with the latest version of PVsyst (Version 7.4.3). Could you please fix this issue? Thanks for your support in advance Best regards,
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