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  1. Hi, any news on update? This is quite crucial to our bussiness and it's been promissed for Q2
  2. Hi, Is there any plan for the update of MeteoNorm in PVsyst from 8.1 to 8.2? Looks like new data rolled in July 2023 and it got significant changes such as: Updated period (2001 - 2020) for radiation data from the sources GEBA, MeteoSwiss and DWD Updated satellite data: extended data until 2022 for the satellites GOES-E, MSG, IODC and HIMAWARI Several stations removed or added Improvement to the height interpolation of satellite data Corrected the time zone of some stations Added additional topography tiles
  3. Hi All, I am having some huge diferences between datasets and site is underperforming. Besically Solar GIS having "less optimistic" approach than pyrometer on site which is causing differences for weather adjusted data. Have anyone else had this problems before? Which data sets you find best?
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