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  1. Was there a resolution to this problem? I am having the same problem... Importing the ASCII file was successful, but when I try to use the site/meteo file it always reverts back to a synthetic file. I just wanted to use PVsyst to convert some 5-minute horizontal data to POA data. Is there any other way I can do this? Many thanks, Mikaila
  2. I have imported ASCII meteo file with one year of measured data for the global irradiation, diffuse irradiation, ambient temperature and wind speed for a site in the Central Australian Desert. The meteo file was successfully created but when I try to use it in a project it tells me that “The diffuse fraction of 12.1% in August is an irrealistic value” and so it will not let me use the file. It is actual measured data and other months have diffuse fractions as low as 13.3%, so why does PVsyst not accept 12.1%? Is it still possible to use this data?
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