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  1. Hi Linda, Thank you for the feedback. Is there a specific format in which the data should be displayed on the spreadsheet? To clarify, on my above point, should the data on the spreadsheet follow a certain order? Kindly see the picture attached in which the data is currently sorted on my spreadsheet.
  2. Good day, We have a site which has been operational for a few months and we have a weatherstation installed. We would like to use the data from the weatherstation in a PVsyst simulation to compare with the Meteonorm synthetic data used when we initially tendered for the project, as well as to correlate our performance ratio reports. Unfortunately, I cannot attach the file type we have of the weatherstation data, but it is available in excel or .dat. Might you advise how we can use this data and import it into PVsyst. Should you have any questions, please let me know. Best regards, S. Matolo
  3. Good day Linda, I am not sure I understand. If you view the attached, you will note that I have 2 orientations defined. Each orientation is 1 string long. I would like to connect these 2 strings to individual MPPTs of the inverter. Best regards,
  4. Good day Linda, Thank you for the feedback. I have just sent the .zip file. Best regards,
  5. Good day, I have recently updated my PVsyst to version 7.4 and I noticed that I no longer have the "Mixed orientation" option available to me under the "System" parameters. Might you advise if this has been done intentionally and if so; how would I go about assigning different orientations to 1 multi-MPPT inverter. Should you have any questions or require any clarity, please let me know. Best regards, S. Matolo
  6. I have just updated my PVsyst and noticed that in the “Main results” page, there is no longer a column for “Egrid” and “PR”. Is this a new feature or is this a bug? How can I view my monthly “Egrid”
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