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Piyush Shah

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Everything posted by Piyush Shah

  1. But in this case, due to power sharing, inverter losses are lower at the site." But at the actual site, due to a 200 kW load curtailment, the higher-loading MPPT is performing poorly, leading to an overall increase in inverter losses Inverter -1 Inverter.pdf Inverter -1 Power Sharing.pdf
  2. Case-1 Case-2 Case -1 or Case 2 is correct ??
  3. Hi is this correct way to simulate
  4. Hi, I have one 200KW inverter with 12 MPPT and a load limit of 200KW at the inverter level. The DC capacity is 311.04 kWp, and I have a total of 16 strings, with 36 modules per string, each rated at 540Wp. In both cases, when running PVsyst: Case 1: If I run PVsyst on one inverter with 16 strings, the result is PR (Performance Ratio). Case 2: If I run PVsyst with 12 MPPTs and 16 strings, the result for PR differs. (4 MPPTs with 2 strings and 8 MPPTs with 1 string) In both cases, PR varies , and inverter losses over nominal inverter power loss are high in case 2. which case is correct
  5. hi i have SG250HX Inverter 1MPPT = 1 string (Parallel) ( 2*28 module 540wp) 10 MPPT Connected in 1 Inverter. DC Capacity =540*56*10 = 302.40kwp How to run Pvsyst for parallel String
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