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Everything posted by Nikoloz

  1. Hello @Nils Lang I have the same problem with 8.0.6 version. When importing topography data. the project is 118MW huge territory. It is ok with smaller projects. s this because of PVsyst problem or because of my Video card or Ram ??? I have sent an e-mail to support@pvsyst.com with log files
  2. one more question, when I try to change name and save project as different project the old one dissapears ( There is often situation when custome has 2 nearby ground fields and wants to make 2 PV Plants wth the same power and not to make 2 project there is no button with "Save as" ).. is it possible to ''Save as'' ? there is only "Save active project"
  3. Thanx One more question 🙂 in Project's name field it does not recognize dots . on File Name instead of dots it shows _ for example I have created project with name " Karaleti_66.46.01.672.001" but the file name is "Karaleti_66_46_01_672_001_Project.VC0-Report.pdf" . These dots are important - 66_46_01_672_001 This is a code of a plot of land where client is going to build plant. Is it possible to use just dots ?
  4. Hello I found some strange thing in 3d shading scene.... after i finished project with all simulations, I realised that in simuation report the camra viw angle on "Near shadings paameter" page was in "Perspectice view" and after I've changed it to "Top view" it asked me to recalculate shading factor table and smulation again.(I did not touched PV modules or tables, just changed the point of view. and it is every time I change the view point... is this ok or is this a BUG ???? it was not like this in previous versions and was very comfortable. 🙂
  5. Hello I have such question.... Is it possible to get table on main result page with detailed monthly amounts of different P?. Not just P50 as it is by default
  6. thanx I had the same problem 🙂
  7. Hi can somebody tell me what is going on with this update ???????????????????????? this simuation was done with prewious wersion of pvsyst and everything was ok ...This simulation report was agreed with customer now I have penened his simulation and there are errors with terran.... what does it wand and how to correct this ???????????????? every day after installing last update I have problems and problems
  8. Hello last update has problems..I was working on a project. after I tried to edit a table in 3d shading scene and PVsyst crashed. After crash everythng was deleted and i started a project from the beginning. an other problem in orientations---in previous version when I was making I plant design in 3d shading scene it automatically upgraded the system part of orientations , now t is much more difficult
  9. you cannot edit any ground object. I think ths is a BiG BuG 🙂
  10. Hello after your last update it is impossible to move ground image or resize or delee or change with other image ...please help. onlu at forst time when you add am image is it possible to add size after it stucks and no actions are available
  11. It does not help
  12. I have even changed the name of Pan file but anyway it is still not visible
  13. Hello The Manufacturer sent me Pan file but it is not visible in PVsys. what reason can be ?
  14. I am talking about this option
  15. Hello. I am in a very difficult situation 🙂 Our customer asked us to make 210 MW project . I have made everything ok . 52 panels on each table, 30grad tilt ,10m pitch. there are more than 360000 panels :)...Now the customer asked me to make simulation with trackers ..And here comes the problem - Is there any option to use Table zones with trackers? . In PVsyst there is only one option... you can use any amount of tables but in one single line. If it is possible to change the zone that I have already filled or make a new zone with trackers ? It is a very big area
  16. It can actually , after I added BTR file to specific folder PVSyst/PVsyst7.0_Data/ComposPV/Batteries. and restarted PVsyst several times .. suddenly my Batteries appeared in the list
  17. Hello I need to make a design of standalone station, but in the list of batteries there is not my model what i need. I have the BTR file from producer but there are no such files with BTR extention in PVsys data files, there is only Battery.Fav file . How can I import file with Btr extention ???
  18. Ok thank you. Hope this problem will be solved soon
  19. Hello Today all day long I have problems with new projects. When I try to add new geographical site parameters PVsyst gets stuck and dose not respond. it says " Map is not available, please check your internet connection. But it is ok with my internet. Please help.
  20. @Lazare Fesnien Hello i have sent you a PAN fil for this PV modules
  21. Actually there is possibility but I don't want to use it. it takes too much time - editing PDF after simulation is done, but this method is uncomfortable .
  22. Hello I have problems with module layout with Astro energy PV modules. No problems with other brands with same orientation and location , mostly we are using JA solar modules. I don't understand what is wrong with it please see attached screen
  23. Hello is it possible to make our company logo size as big as PVsyst logo size ? I could not find any option for this ..It seems frivolous that in the simulation report, PVsyst logo visible on one side , and our company logo is very small on the other side. 🙂 please see attached screenshot.
  24. Hello I have 1 suggestion . In PVsyst-Main parameters-system-pre-sizing help, there are only 3 options 1. No sizing 2. Planned power . 3. available modules area. (4. Number of Modules) there is very often the situation when we have to make project with exact amount of PV modules. for example 527 or any other amount . it would be much easier if there will be a 4.th option where you enter exact amount of modules . otherwise we have to count strings and modules in series separately on calculator to get that total amount of modules we want. Thank you
  25. The problem is solved. PVSyst is not guilty 🙂 The problem was in old version of Inverters soft .. manually uploaded new version and its working correctly now.
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