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Shashank Sharma

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  1. Hello PVsyst Team, I Simulated a PVsyst (8.0.2) report for rooftop project with multiple tilt and azimuth. The modules are installed along the tilt of roof but in General Parameters of PVsyst report I have seen two different parameters which is highlighted in red and yellow in attached image. Kindly clarify me what is the meaning of this and why the shed configuration is shown related to 'Tracker' for some sheds.
  2. Hello PVsyst, I am importing the .MET file in software but unable see that file in the geographical site database. Please help me to understand where I made a mistake or .MET is not sufficient. Thank You
  3. Hello PVsyst, Recently I have been working on a 6MWp rooftop solar power project where we are using Bifacial modules. In this project, there are four different tilts and four azimuths. So, my question is it possible to define the bifacial system in system definition? if yes then how? if not then how do I add the advantage to bifaciality in that simulation? Thank you Shashank
  4. Thanks for your reply Ajay As you said that at STC level the loss is lesser than than at Pnom level. But if I do 1.5% of 250kWp which comes 5kWp. Similarly, if I do 1.5% of 200kW which comes 4kW. So the loss at STC comes higher. Please clarify.
  5. Hello PVsyst, I am simulating a 2.25MWp system in which I am defining AC loss (LV / MV / HV) 1.50 / 0.70 / 0.20%. But when I simulate it according to AC loss at STC level I get a 1948kWh/kWp/year specific generation. Similarly, with the same losses when I simulate it according to AC loss at the Pnom level, I get a 1944kWh/kWp/year specific generation. So my question is why at the Pnom level generation gets reduced and how? Regards, Shashank
  6. Hello PV, I want to know that, can we find out P90 monthly values in our PV syst report. If no, there is any calculation or general formula for it.
  7. Hello Pvsyst, My question is regarding the hourly generation (E-Grid) in .csv format which is generated from the Advance simulation < output file. From that CSV file I want to find out the generation data from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM but I want to understand whether these provided hourly data of a particular hour is additional of previous hours or a separate generation data for a particular hour. Example: In below table we can see that the percentage difference or percentage share of 6:00 to 10:00 AM, when I consider cumulative generation from 9 to 10 AM (Fig 1) the percentage is around 30% but when I consider only generation of 10AM (Fig 2)the % share is around 12%. So I want to know that for % share of 9 to 10 AM which one is correct (Fig 1 or 2).
  8. And I am using the latest PVsyst version 7.4.0.
  9. Hello, Recently I am working on a 3MWp ground mount project where both Bi-facial & Mono-facial modules were installed. Where 1MWp capacity is with a bi-facial module and 2MWp capacity is with mono-facial. So, I want to know that how to simulate this simultaneously, and if it is not possible, please let me know the best way to do it.
  10. What is the difference between 'Module Mismatch' and 'String Voltage Mismatch' ?
  11. Hello PVsyst, I want to that why the below-marked losses are not shown in my report.
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