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Everything posted by Emi

  1. Hallo everybody, I tried to carry out an analysis with "Adavnced simulation/optization tool" for a certain range of tilt and azimuth in order to find the best orientation for a free standing plant. obtaining a suspect results. Optimization tools returns better performance for tilt 9.7° azimuth 30° Egrid 1301 MWh set-up azimuth from -30 to 30 , steps 30 set-up tilt 5 to 20 , steps 30 Then I tried a single shot simulation using tilt and azimuth I think is best choice. Better, for single shot simulation I defined tilt and azimuth with same values shown in calculated series of optimization tool. The result is very weird: tilt 14.8° azimuth 1.0° Optimization tool returns Egrid 1202 MWh Single shot simul. returns Egrid 1330 MWh Any hints? Many thanks
  2. Many thanks Bruno, your info are very useful. I gonna try some other test. Thanks again
  3. Thanks for your suggestion, but I tried for several sites and optmization tools always returns -5° best azimuth... Why? Anything wrong? Please, take in account horizon is flat... With this behaviour optimization tool is useless
  4. Goodmorning everyone! I just tried to use PVGIS "optimize slope and azimuth" and then use PVSyst "Optimization tools", running a simulation to find the best tilt and azimuth using Meteonorm (PVGIS import doesn't work at now). The results of two tools are significantly different. The site is in Geneva. Any idea? Maybe is it due to different database ? Many thanks Images following:
  5. thanks a lot!
  6. Ok, I know, then , for a correct simulation in PVSyst, is it possible to use "optimizer" to connect modules with different orientations and connect them to a single MPPT? More, using mixing orientation means to connect different orientations modules to the same MPPT? This point it is not clear for me. Many thanks
  7. Thank you, I understand that I can't simulate my system, correct?
  8. Thanks for your reply. If I understand well, you are using 2 strings with equal lenght (2 x 9). My setup is different, 5 orientations with several string lenght. Any chance to accomplish a realistic simulation of following: Many thanks for your help!
  9. Hallo, we have the following case: The inverter has 2 MPPT, and we have 3 different orientations. Then we would use optimizers in PVSyst. But,when we try to go into "power sharing", there we have inverter with 2 MPPT and 3 subarrays/orientations. How could we manage this situation, i.e. simulate 3 orientations with a 2 MPPT inverter? Thanks a lot
  10. this is the situation about power sharing using optimizer option for the first 2 strings
  11. Clear, but I have 5 orientations and 4 inverter MPPT. Then, must I use optimizer? And in this case, how I can assign two different orientations (with modules optimizers) to the same MPPT ? Tnx
  12. ok, right, now I set 1 MPPT for each subarray, always 5 orientations. How could I go ahead to fix the system? Many thanks
  13. Ok, thanks. I tried an inverter with lower power. Now, the sum of my subfields is 44.16kWp and my inverter is 40kWac rated power. Anyway, I don't understand how to assign the various strings to inverter inputs using "power sharing". Now, I have 5 strings with 5 different orientations, as per attached image. Within red lines the problems I'm facing. Could you suggest any solutions, please? Many thanks
  14. Hello, I'm working on a system that has serveral orientations using an inverter with a sufficient number of MPPT, but... I have 5 orientation, inverter that I have to use has 10 MPPT. Then, using power sharing I had to change MPPT number in inverter model because PVSyst don't allow empty MPPT. Power sharing is ok, but PVSyst returns an error message about inverter ovesized. I would use a single 100kW inverter with 10 MPPT (I changed to 7 MPPT) for all the "Tetto" subarray. How can I solve this issue? Many thanks
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