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Sylvai Vitali

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  1. Hello, PVSyst automatically gives the total amount of energy stored in a battery during its life, which is very interesting (it would be even better with the latest Huawei Luna battery models). How is battery life defined? In the example below, can I assume that after 114 MWh, the battery is completely dead? And are these kWh estimated on the AC side of the battery's inverter, taking into account the inverter's efficiency? Thanks in advance for your help, Sylvain Vitali
  2. Hello, When I activate or deactivate the option to enable power limiting, it doesn't work. For example, here, I had limited the power to 273 kW and although I deactivated the option, I still have an installation that will not produce more than 273 kW... Even changing the sytem, and lauching again the simulation, the power limitation still in place, and a green light appear on the energy management box: When I click on it and go on the power limitation, the box isn't activated... Am I wrong or is PVSyst bug? I've tried to restart and I can't remove the clipping. In the past week, I add another Issue that wouldn't allow me to use the power limitation... Thank you for your help. Sylvain Vitali
  3. Bonjour et merci, Même avec votre commentaire, j'ai mis un peu de temps à trouver. Il faut vraiment connaitre cette option pour l'utiliser! Il est vrai que dans l'aide, il est écrit "(right-click on the sub-array ComboBoxes)" Personnellement, je ne comprends pas ce qu'est un "sub-array comboboxes", je trouverais plus clair de dire de "clic droit sur le nom d'un des onduleurs" ou comme vous l'avez dit "right-clicking on the inverter's list". Bon après-midi, Sylvain Vitali
  4. Hello, As part of a PV project with an 89 kWp optimizer, I'd like to study the difference in production between a solution with 2x33.3 kW inverters (SE66.6K) versus 3x33.3 kW inverters (which is currently ordered). But I don't manage to simulate the production with 3x33.3 kW inverters. PVSyst don't let me oversize the installation, but it will be done in reality... So that's important that i get this simulation in order to prove that 2 inverters is better than 3. I note that I don't have the option of adding an inverter manually in the string configuration, as specified in the help file. Nor limiting the number of strings solutionate the problem: Thank you for your help, Sylvain Vitali
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