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Thomas Cros

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Everything posted by Thomas Cros

  1. Hello André, Thank you for your answer. I corrected the number of diodes to 2, it was a mistake. Vmpp is 36.7V, I confirm that I have 72 cells in series and the configuration in length is correct. Yes, it is not common but we still got demand on the market for this kind of module. What I found surprising with this error is that whathever value I input for cell width (W), I still got the same error. Find in attachment, the basic data + size and technology.
  2. Hello, My solar panel is 1480mm long by 670mm wide, area = 0.992m². I have 72 half-cut cells, 156*78mm, cells area shoulb be 0.876m² 1st, the software do not let me choose cell H, it automatically compute it to 102, how is that ? 2nd, I got an error message, "The cells area seems very low with respect to the module area" regardless the cell W I type (I tried like 500mm). I have several questions: - how does the system calculate Cell H based on my cell W input? - how does the system calculate cell area (isn't it supposed to be simply W*H in cm²)? - why the system feedback to me cells area seems small regardless how large my cell W is? Thank you in advance for your support.
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