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  1. It seems with PVsyst 6.3.0 the External transfo losses displayed in the Loss diagram (last page of the PVsyst report) are not considered in the calculated PR (in the main simulation results). Without External transfo losses the PR is correct. Thanks for checking this.
  2. Just a minor problem: If you want to get hourly data by choosing "Output File"/"Output on filename", the message displayed after simulation is "You will find it in ...\UserData" but indeed you will find the file in the folder ...\UserHourly. Thanks for checking this.
  3. It seems that printing of reports after upgrading to V6.25 is possible only in English even if Language is set to another value. Can you confirm? My workaround is currently to use the preview, change the language in the Units menu, than print directly from the preview page. But no matter what way I choose, the language selected in the print page will not be remembered but reset to English.
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