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  1. Thanks for the suggestion @dtarin but as you say the information there is quite limited and don't really allow for an insightful comparison between the results of different simulation/projects.
  2. Hi @adz, if I understand you correctly this is exactly what I was suggesting in my post two days ago (actually the following one after yours in the forum) so I would suggest closing this one to keep all the answers/thoughts together.
  3. Currently there is no easy way to track simulation inputs during the different development stages of a project. Right now the only way to semiautomatize this task is to scrape the data available in the pdf report, which is not very convenient, running into issues quite often due to changes in the assumptions/settings or even with the PVsyst version used. The option to download a csv file with all the assumptions or settings used as inputs together with the main outputs (monthly or yearly generation/losses) for the simulations would significantly enhance the data analysis of the results. If anybody knows a better way to do this I would appreciate any feedback.
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