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Everything posted by rebecca.dunn

  1. Hi, We are trying to obtain hourly output files for multiple years of meteo data from batch mode. We have run the batch mode with several years of meteo data, by specifying lines like SIM_1; CP2010.MET;N;1.22MWp_1.06MVA_0.3073GCR_FT;; SIM_2; CP2011.MET;N;1.22MWp_1.06MVA_0.3073GCR_FT;; in the file CP_Project_BatchParams2.CSV But even though we tick the boxes for "Create hourly files" and "Always produce calculation version files", under "Save mode" in "Parameter specification", we don't get hourly files. We only get a summary of annual values in CP_Project_BatchResults2.CSV Is there a way to obtain hourly output for multiple years of meteo data without running them one-by-one? Thankyou, Rebecca
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