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said allaw

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Everything posted by said allaw

  1. does that means that the contribution of the reactive power have nothing to do with the active energy being produced ? if so then why the active power is less when the pf is 0.8 and more when its unity as shown
  2. its a deepwell pump 150 Kw i did that with the tank but sometimes i keep seeing the tank full loss again
  3. why when ever we change the power factor the active power maintain a constant and the reactive and apparent power changes even though from what i know the apparent power is the constant as i have certain number of the inverters kindly illustrate this matter
  4. i have two questions about solar pumping simulation in PVsyst - are the results of high power pumps accurate as when i try to use pumps from 100 to 300 HP the results are not logical sometimes -our system doesn`t include a tank how to avoid the tank warnings like (tank is full) as it effects the results
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