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  1. Is it possible to define a glass panel in the 3D scene which is positioned in front of the cell in vertical direction, while the cell has the "normal" tilt? It surely will lead to a change in gain because of the modified relexion and so on.
  2. Ok, that seems plausible to me. Is there any recommendation how to select the best value for thin object depending on the distance of the wire? At the pylon there are many wires, but not only at a height of 50m, but also at a height of for example 20m. Will be the electrical mismatch loss at this height as negligible as with 50m height and should I chose 1%? Or should I chose 5% or anything else then? Would you say that it is a linear dependence on the distance (if the wire diameter stays the same)? Thank you.
  3. Hi, I am trying to simulate the loss of shading during to pylons and its open wires. In PV Syst there is an option called "Thin object". I don't really understand the description and function of this option. It says: "If the shading object is sufficiently thin, its shade will not cover a full cell. Even if it is rather far and produces a broad semi-shading (due to the sun's diameter), the irradiance loss should be considered as the integral of the shading figure, and will be the same as the effect of a well delimited thin shading of the same wire. This is the case of electrical wires above the array, handrails, etc. In these cases the current in the cell will be reduced by a factor of the order of the wire diameter by respect to the cell's size. This is the value which should be attributed to the "Thin object" electrical effect ratio parameter. Then during the simulation, the "Module" loss caused by this thin object will be reduced by the "Thin object ratio". The reduction is directly taken into account in the loss factor according to modules. " Could anybody explain that to me? Is it possible at all to simulate shading losses with PVsyst of open wires with a diameter of about 3cm and a distance of up to 50m to the PV modules?
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