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Everything posted by Max

  1. I keep getting the error message about pitch being 0 and I get that it is due to how I created the shade scene. I used PVcase to import a canopy and the pitch is homogenous and definitely not 0 so I'm curious on how I solve this issue while keeping the shade scene as accurate as can be to the layout.
  2. I'm trying to run energy on a single canopy facing south and any orientation I choose or object type created within the shade scene keeps giving me the "not suited for bifacial 2D computation" error message.
  3. I'm looking for any recommendations for exporting an array layout to a shade scene in PVsyst in order to avoid having to draw it in pvsyst.
  4. I see. Thank you for the visual and appreciate the help as always!
  5. This would be a tracker system on a 3-4 degree slope. I don't want to tilt the panels but rather have the height of the array follow the slope so that each tracker row has a different height based on the slope without having to manually do it for each tracker row.
  6. I'm trying to understand how to model a tracker array in the shade scene with 0 azimuth that is on a slope which will require the tracker array to be tilted slightly to the west and a separate array tilted to the east. Added a visual to help with clarity.
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