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  1. @dtarin Thanks for your response. That's true, but even the terrain cannot influence the orientation so much that it no longer looks symmetrical for East/West (see screenshots).
  2. Hello everyone, I have a problem with the orientations (nominal azimuth and plane azimuth) for my East/West PV plant, when importing 3D file from PVcase. We planned the project with -100°/80° but when I import the 3D scene and increase the tolerance of the orientations, I get a final E/W orientations of -162.7°/106.1°. This is a huge difference and it does not match the nominal azimuth. We have taken the terrain into account, but still the difference seems very high. Please have a look at the screenshots. The opposite angles are not symmetric which means that the plant is not considered as East/West. @Stéphane Metz could you please help out?
  3. Thank you for your reply. I have the following situation with Tracking system single Axis N-S and half-cut modules. On each tracker-table should be 1.5 String. Since the modules are planned as portrait, I have modified the string-number from 1.5 to 3. Could you please check if this is fine?
  4. Dear PVsyst community, After defining the electrical partition in the 3D model, the question is which fraction to select for electrical effect. I have read that the 100% is to be taken for regular shading. Could you please explain better what is meant by regular shading in this sense and what fraction to take for PV systems with surrounding trees and row shading of about 2-4%. Is there an option where you can define strings in the partition that are distributed across different tables? Many thanks
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