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Rebal Kahwaji

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Everything posted by Rebal Kahwaji

  1. Hello PVsyst Community, Thank you for your help in everything, I have a question regarding the battery percentage on the first day of simulation, is it DOD percentage ? is it a certain percentage? how can I manipulate the simulation to make cloudy day so there will not be any sun to charge the battery for the required Autonomy? how can I know the percentage of capacity in the battery in a specific point? The system is Stand-Alone
  2. Hello PVsyst Community, Hope everyone is OK. I have a customized charge controller which i should add it to my system. I have some doubts about it and about the parameters I should add. I took one similar to my charge controller and i did some adjustments on it but still I'm not too citrine with the results Could any one help me add a charge controller properly?
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