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Everything posted by inyss

  1. inyss

    Profile Angle

    Hello Pvsyst Community ! can someone explains mathematically profile angle pvsyst help says that : Profile angle Used in rows arrangements or tracking : angle between the plane passing by the base of the collector and the sun, and the ground plane. thank you in advance
  2. inyss

    Array losses

    Hello pvsyst community ! Thank you for giving me explication about thermal behavior , what is said by pvsyst help : what I don't have understood is how thermall loss factor has an effect on loss due to temperature calculation !
  3. Thank you a lot , What I have understood is to : calclulate loss irradiation I should calculate : ( power at STC conditions - power ( globinc,25°)) calclulate loss temperature I should calculate : ( power at STC conditions - power (globinc,Tarray)) than of course I will do pourcent
  4. Hello everyone , I am new in pvsyst and I try to analyse loss diagrame can someone please help me how to determine these 2 parameters : pv loss due to irradiance and pv loss due to temperature maths formula ? if you can many thanks in advance
  5. Thank you @dtrain , can you please tell me how can I find (dc_voltage,ac_voltage) from ond file of pvsyst because I need to read dc_voltage of inverter Thank you in advance
  6. Hello everybody I 'm sorry but I am a bit confusied when I read ond file on pvsyst can you clarify for me if coordinates of points are couple of (dc_power,ac_power) or for (dc_voltage,ac_voltage) Thank you
  7. thank you dtarin ! I were a litle bit wrong ! yes it is an input parameter which must be seted between 1%-2%
  8. Hello ! I would ask about the definition of mismatch loss which says : The mismatch loss is defined as the difference between the sum of all Pmpp of each independent sub-module, and the Pmpp of the resulting I/V characteristics of the array. is the result of this formula is this one shown on losses diagram
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