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Everything posted by IB31

  1. IB31

    Shading results

    Thank you for clarification. Just looking for further clarification here 1. Since the values are avialble in 10/20 deg interval , how do we see the value at say 20 deg height .Is it the instaneous value at 20 or it is average of the values between 10 and 20 deg for any particular azimuth angle. 2. Does 'temporality' means the shading factor table is generic. Say for the value of 10 deg height and -20 deg azimuth (just before noon) the shading factor has some value which has no significance since towards noon sun height would always be altleast greater than 10 deg.Please correct me here.(I understand Iso shading diagram gives the location specific shading impact). 3. How do we interpret the single value of shading factor for diffuse and albedo at the end of the table.Does it represent avg value for all sun position in year.
  2. Hi Michele. Thank you for the response here. That was my concern that when shading loss are zero (above snip) then electrical loss should be zero. Does PVsyst accounts for the mismatch losses separately? The data for electrical loss due to shading and mismatch loss is available for hourly resolution ?
  3. IB31

    Shading results

    Hi Michele.Thank for the clarification here. So does it mean that we cannot generate hourly electrical loss data from PVsyst and it would reflect only annual electrical loss in the loss diagram below
  4. IB31

    Shading results

    @Michele Oliosi@Michel Villoz Please consider to provide clarification here.
  5. @Michele Oliosi @Michel Villoz Any thoughts here.
  6. @Michele Oliosi Looking forward for any response here. Thank you
  7. Also is the linear and electrical loss indicated is instatenous loss for an hour or a total loss for a day (21-12-22)? Does the shading factor tables represents a particular day (21-12-22) or its gives the total/Average loss for the entire year. Can the shading table loss (linear)be converted to equivalent electrical loss values. The azimuth in the shading factor table represents the azimuth of the solar panel or the solar azimuth angle( east -west).
  8. Shading simulation is showing the linear loss as 0% but still electrical loss is indicated as 1.9%.Does this electrical losses is refering to mismatch losses or it is composed of loss both due to shading and mismatch.
  9. I am looking for clarification for the string voltage sizing calculations in PVsyst. The Maximum and Minimum temperature in the project setting window is ambient temeprature value or Module/cell temperature . If it is cell /Module temperature (as per help) then does user need to find the cell/ module temperature using ambient temperature using the IEC 68153 which is bit tricky because it is dependent on Irradiance and coefficients. PVsyst does calculate the module temperature hourly but can user input the min and max cell temp values in the project setting window without much of calculations.
  10. Shading simulation is showing the linear loss as 0% but still electrical loss is indicated as 1.9%.Does this electrical losses is refering to mismatch losses or it is composed of loss both due to shading and mismatch.
  11. In shading animation is showing linear(7.6%) as well as electrical losses(39.3%) but the shading scene is not showing the occurence of shade on the table (Yellow/Grey).Also is the linear and electrical loss indicated is instatenous loss for an hour or a total loss for a day (21-12-22)? Does the shading factor tables represents a particular day (21-12-22) or its gives the total/Average loss for the entire year. Can the shading table loss (linear)be converted to equivalent electrical loss values. The azimuth in the shading factor table represents the azimuth of the solar panel or the solar azimuth angle( east -west).
  12. Hi, For a given fixed DC capacity I observed the Earray energy varying with Pnom ratio. I am wondering how the Earray is getting effected due to different Inverter ratio for fixed DC array capacity. Example DC capacity (MWp) AC capacity (MW) Total Earray 200 166.5 496343.33 200 153.75 473598.34
  13. IB31

    Clipping loss

    Hi, For the total nominal AC inverter capacity of 77 MW , PVsyst is showing clipping power loss for values less than 77 MW without any temperature derating effect. I have attached snip here for reference . Can you help me understand how PVsyst is actually calculating this clipping power loss IL _P max.Thanks
  14. Thank you very much for the response. My configuration is second option i,e each table with individual axis along with some fixed tilt.
  15. Hi , How can we optimize the mutual shading effect in single axis with vertical axis configuration in the absence of backtracking strategy.
  16. Hi , Thank you for detailed clarification. However my concern is that what would be scenario in the absence of Grid (E_grid) in self consumption mode with storage as all the operating modes indicated above, has presence of active Grid connection to provide deficient energy for User's need.
  17. In self consumption mode, does the inverter meets user's need when no grid is available. Does the self consumption mode uses Grid tied Inverter in Anti -Islanding mode only with Battery charger? If not then how self consumption mode is different from the Weak grid mode which uses grid tied inverter in Islanding mode using special battery inverter.
  18. What does the Phi angle (without limits) indicates in the Unlimited tracker 2D model. How it is different from the BT limiting Phi angle
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