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  1. Hi all, The question is not directly related to PVSyst, but still i think that is kind of the most suitable place to ask. How do you correct virtual data (SolarGIS, Solcast etc) with measured with pyranometer or pyrheliometer data? I tried using PVLib, but im not really convinced, that its working properly, as it doesnt consider the overlapping period, but the whole measured data you feed into it. Also did a simple correlation and scaling once or twice, but I dont really like it. We will try to use the Site adaptation service of SolarGIS, but its expensive and we cannot do it on all projest. What approach do you guys have? And is it considered as a PVSyst function in the future? Thank you in advance, Nedko
  2. Hello all, As we are currently designing our measurement campaign for our solar projects, we were wondering at what height should we measure the ambient temperature and the wind velocity. About the temperature, I couldn't find any specific height in the PVSyst documentation, so we decided to measure roughly at Array height (2-2.5m). This does make sense, right? The wind speed required from the Meteo data is at 10m height. But the PVSyst documentation says it's not representative of the array height. Does it mean it is better to measure at array height? If that is the case, it will be more convenient for us, as our solar measuring stations are about 3.5m high. Thanks in advance!
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