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  1. Hi everyone, We're working on a project with a bunch of high-voltage antennas. We're mainly looking at what happens to the one that works the hardest (the one where the voltage drops the most). How do we show this in our simulation? So, about the losses in the transformers, how should we read the simulation? Do the 'iron loss' and 'copper loss' numbers add up if we have more transformers? Does the number of transformers we put in change how much power we actually get out? Best regards, Arnaud Pancrazi Design engineer from EQUANS (France)
  2. Bonjour, Pour l'utilisation de l'outil d'optimisation, dans simulation avancée, doit-on intégrer au préalable une scène 3D ou est-ce que l'on peut juste rentrer les informations dans shed illimité ? J'ai parfois l'impression que l'inclinaison que nous rentrons au préalable influence la simulation dans l'outil d'optimisation, pourriez-vous me confirmer que mon impression est fausse ? Merci par avance. Cordialement, Mr Pancrazi Bouygues Energies et Services Montpellier (34) France
  3. Hello, is it possible to set the output file format to have the "e_grid" values in 10 minutes version instead of 1 hour (please) ? Thank you
  4. Perfect, thank you for your answer.
  5. Perfect, thank you for your answer.
  6. That's not quite the answer I was expecting, but in any case, thanks for taking the time to answer the question. Finally, I figured out what I wasn't doing right in the 3D scene. When Pvsyst asks to select the "PV" objects, you should only activate "frame" and not everything else. So I don't have any problem anymore. Thanks again for your help.
  7. Hello, In the context of a 3D scene generated by DWG in .DAE, when fences, trees and buildings are taken into account, how can we make sure that the tolerance on the orientation allows us to have more than one average orientation for the whole scene? Thank you in advance. Thank you in advance, Arnaud.P Bouygues énergies et services - Montpellier
  8. Hello, I would like to know what the procedure is to be able to activate the bi-face on E/W structures. Also is it really very significant the biface on E/W? Thank you in advance. Thank you in advance, Arnaud.P Bouygues énergies et services - Montpellier
  9. Hello, I would like to know the procedure to use the optimization tool to know the best azimuth and inclination, in the framework of E/W structure for ground power plant? Because this tool is only available to me if I am in "unlimited sheds". Thank you in advance. Thank you in advance, Arnaud.P Bouygues énergies et services - Montpellier
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