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Sergio Alonso

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  1. Good afternoon, In the Ohmic Losses tab inside PV Field detailed losses parameters, we need to populate the ohmic Loss fraction at STC for the array. When working with bifacial modules, does this voltage drop value need to be calculated considering the bifacial gain effect on the Imp of the module, or does PVsyst consider this value as monofacial losses only and increases it internally with the hourly bifacial gain? Should we just use the module Imp value or Imp*(1+Bifacial Gain%) for this parameter? Thanks in advance.
  2. Hello Adrien, I would like to follow up on Katherine´s question. Could you please provide some explanation on how this minute time shift correction is defined? Is it based on actual irradiance data from the meteo file studying clear days? Thank you.
  3. Good afternoon, I´m very interested in understanding how the shift time correction factor is calculated. I understand the need of calculating the solar geometry at the correct time label interval, but I don´t know how you are doing this minute-correction. Is it based on the imported TMY irradiance values, trying to make the ratio between imported irradiance value and clear sky value equal to 1 in a clear sky day? Is it based on solar geometry? I would really appreciate if you could provide some further information on this time adjustment. Thank you.
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