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Everything posted by Minion

  1. Hi, I'm studying solar energy design I want to know the formula of IArray ------------------------------------------ Setting ------------------------------------------ PV Module : JA Solar, JAM72-S10-405-PR Control mod an the controller : Universal controller Mod. in series : 1 Nb. strings 1 Tilt : 30 Azimuth : 0 Orient : Fixed Tilted Plane ------------------------------------------ The output hour data I printed is as follows. ------------------------------------------ GlobInc : 106.08 kWh/m^2 GlobEff : 98.197 kWh/m^2 IArray : 0.9331 kAh UArray : 41.142 V EArrMPP : 38.4 kWh EArUfix : 38.4 kWh EArray : 38.4 kWh T_Amb : 4.42 °C TArray : 7.9508 °C ------------------------------------------ The EArrMPP calculation equation was known through the following calculation. EArrMPP = IArray * UArray How do I get an IArray? Please Help me. Regards
  2. Upload the variable information used in the calculation. PVsyst Output data.pdf
  3. Hi, I'm studying solar energy design. To verify these variables(E_Avail, E_load, E_user, I_user), I want to know the formula. With the help of the two sites below, I calculated with the variables calculated by PVsyst, but I can't calculate it because I don't understand the calculation process. Could you tell me about the formula? Reference sites: https://www.pvsyst.com/help/index.html?module_quality_loss.htm http://digital.library.wisc.edu/1793/46720 Please Help Regards Minion
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