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  1. Good moorning, I am working in a project with unlimited sheds an I have a question regarding the mutual shadings. In the orientation tab, when I click into "show optimization" I have 3,4 % of shadings loss. However, when running the simulation I find 2,97 % in the loss diagram. Why do I have that difference ?
  2. Hi, I am working in a project placed in a location where the sunrise is at 6:05 h and the sunset is at 21:45 h. However, when exporting the .csv file I saw that in june I have an energy production data at 5 am and no production after 8pm. Is it normal ? Could you please explaine to me why I do not have any energy production after 20 h? (it is a bifacial system if it matters) Thank you very much, Raul Martin Corralejo
  3. Hi, I am working with both PVSyst and LisePV and I would like to know if there is a possibility to link both softwares just not to recopy all my PVSyst project into Lise PV. Thank you, Raul Martin Corralejo
  4. Hi, I’m working in a project with vertical panels (tilt = 90º) and an orientation E-W (-90º). I realized some problems when working with that configuration in PVsyst: - The performance ratio is over 100 % : I find performance ratios around 120-145 % which should be impossible as the theorical maximum performance ratio of a panel is 100 %. - I run a test with a near shading scene where I have only one tree and only one table of panels. If I put my table at the west of the tree, I have near shading losses of around 30 %, but if I put it at the same distance but at the east I have only 2 % of irradiance losses, which doesn’t make any sense. I think that the losses should be quite similar in both cases. My system is a bifacial one, so the panel is supposed to produce electricity from both sides, and I think that PVsyst is only considering the irradiance arriving on one side. Thank you for your answer. Raúl.
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