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Everything posted by mikofski

  1. What is the difference between the "shed to shed" versus "baseline" slope in the basic parameters? I can't find it in the pvsyst help pages, there is only a definition of "baseline" slope here: https://www.pvsyst.com/help/near_shadings_pvplanes.htm which tbh I didn't full understand. Does this mean that the "shed tilt" would be in the reference frame of the "baseline tilt", so that the two would need to be combined to get the tilt in a global reference frame? Whereas the "shed to shed tilt" does _not_ effect the "shed tilt"? Thanks!
  2. Is there a work around to exceed the Maximum Input Current? If two modules are attached, their combined Isc exceeds the maximum input and the simulation cannot be run. If I would like to run this simulation regardless, what is the best workaround?
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