Hello, In the "Module Layout" section, tab "shadings 3D", when I perform the shading calculations for the 3D scene and then go to the "IV Curve" tab, I get the error message: " Floating point division by zero" and consequently cannot see the IV curves which is my intention. The 3D scene consists in a roof with a metal deck profile on whose 3 pan areas has been placed a multi-rectangular field. The error message only appears when the 3D scene is tilted and the shading factors table contains numbers in blue (behind the plane). When I set the PV collectors (and the shading scene) back to a tilt = 0 deg, the IV curves are calculated nicely. I would really really appreciate your help/advice if there is any way I can work this out to get the IV curves of this scene at different tilt angles. Thanks in advance! Metal deck roof with 3 rectangular PV fields 3 mm above error message