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  1. Hello, In the "Module Layout" section, tab "shadings 3D", when I perform the shading calculations for the 3D scene and then go to the "IV Curve" tab, I get the error message: " Floating point division by zero" and consequently cannot see the IV curves which is my intention. The 3D scene consists in a roof with a metal deck profile on whose 3 pan areas has been placed a multi-rectangular field. The error message only appears when the 3D scene is tilted and the shading factors table contains numbers in blue (behind the plane). When I set the PV collectors (and the shading scene) back to a tilt = 0 deg, the IV curves are calculated nicely. I would really really appreciate your help/advice if there is any way I can work this out to get the IV curves of this scene at different tilt angles. Thanks in advance! Metal deck roof with 3 rectangular PV fields 3 mm above error message
  2. Hi there, I'm working on modeling shading effects on long/narrow panels, but I haven't been able to use some of the low wattage PV modules included in the PVsyst database since a red message appears: "The chosen PV module is not valid: The module sizes are not defined (null area)" As I thought it was an error in those modules, I created a PV module with the dimensions I needed (Lenght = 688 mm; Width = 129 mm), but found out that the red message still appears. Then I figured out that whenever the width is less than 184 mm, the error appears and the simulation cannot be performed. Is there any way to overcome this apparently minimum module width? Thanks!
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