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Detroit Solar

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Everything posted by Detroit Solar

  1. Thank you Lazare
  2. Hello, Which companies have the most in-depth PVSYST training classes? I have been looking at SEI, but it is pre-recorded. Any other suggestions? Thank you, DS
  3. Thank you. thank you for the response. I did not finish my thought regarding that question. That will teach me to be on a conference call and attempt to write something. Then the Grid lim. Pnom Ratio is the DC overbuild at the inverter: If your inverter is 500kw and you have 650kw of modules then your Grid lim. Pnom Ratio would be: 1.3. Thank you again for your help
  4. thank you for the response. I did not finish my thought regarding that question. That will teach me to be on a conference call and attempt to write something. Then the Grid lim. Pnom Ratio is the DC overbuild at the inverter: If your inverter is 500kw and you have 650kw of modules then your Grid lim. Pnom Ratio would be: 1.3. Thank you again for your help
  5. Hello all, As the title states: What is the difference between Grid lim. Pnom Ratio and Pnom Ratio? My assumption is the What is the difference between Grid lim. Pnom Ratio is the DC (Modules) ratio to the AC limit of the inverter. The Pnom is the AC overbuild of the inverter. To simplify, if your POI limit is 500 and you have 550AC of inverters. Thanks
  6. Thank you Michelle for the clarity. Much appreciated. Be well.
  7. Thank you for the response. "It does not affect the simulation per se." That is not a definite "no." If the module is hot, will not be less productive? For example; if we used 50C, that would not affect the simulation compared to the 22C? Thank you again
  8. Hello, I am wondering if the AT OPERATION CONDITION under PV Array Characteristics has any impact on production with different temperatures? I have spoken to a few different colleagues and have received many different answers. Please see attached. Thank you
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