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  1. Ok, Bruno. That seems like a sensible option. It's good to hear there's something in the pipeline on this. Cheers, Iain
  2. Hi PVsyst, Thanks again for your help on my previous queries. I had a quick question about data export I was hoping you could help me with. So far, for obtaining hourly system output values for the year (eg for calculating possible export rates) I've been using Results->Hourly Graphs->Copy Values to clipboard. This method only allows 100 days export at a time, however, and each data section must be entered separately into excel using the text import wizard, then formatted. I noticed that there's also the option for setting an output file during simulation. However, this requires re-simulation to obtain the file, which will take a long time on projects using 3d models. Is there any alternative method for obtaining the hourly data? (I'm mainly interested in just the energy output.) I think we will be using this process a lot in the future and so any more efficient method would save a lot of time. On a further note (perhaps this is a suggestion), multiple variants of the same project also need separately exporting, one by one. It would be incredibly useful to be able to batch export a whole project's data (eg 5, or even 20 variants) into one output file. Is this possible? Thanks for your time, Iain
  3. Hi there, Until recently I've been working mostly with the 6.1.7 and 6.1.9 versions of PVsyst, but have upgraded to 6.2.2 to take advantage of the newer features (being able to specify PV fields in terms of number of modules in the 3D modelling view is particularly useful, also the resolution of the report-printout bug, thanks for that). However, I'm experiencing quite serious slow-down when working on larger projects with the new version- this also applies to 6.2, which I tried a month back or so. Even viewing a tab such as 'System' or 'Horizon' and then returning to the main screen with 'cancel' (which shouldn't require any processing) causes a freeze of about 30s. This same slowdown occurs with smaller projects, although to a lesser extent. Is there a particular reason for all the extra processing? I want to be using the most up-to-date version of the software, but having to cope with the delays is a major issue. (I'm using a not-particularly-powerful acer laptop to run the software. However, it coped with pre-6.2 versions with relative ease.) Iain *EDIT* It's possible what I'm seeing is caused by having created the project (along with a large 3d model) in an earlier version. A new project file I'm working on today isn't experiencing the same problem. Does this sound about right?
  4. ..and here's the screenshot uploaded correctly. Iain
  5. Hi all, So another problem I've come across with the new version (may be present in previous also): Once you've finished filling in the PV fields in Module Layout and access the electrical tab, the scroll bar required to view all the available strings doesn't always appear. For instance, if we've used all 8 possible arrays, there's a fair chance they won't all fit in the left-hand display at once. It should be possible to scroll down to make the lower array selectable but in some cases this doesn't happen (see below). See lower left. I managed to get around this by re-jigging my arrays to ensure a rectangular one fell last, then used the auto attribution command to fill it. This is something I'd prefer not to have to rely on. Has anyone else experienced this problem, or have any advice to fix it? Thanks. Iain
  6. Hi all, I'm experiencing a rather strange problem with the newest version of PVsyst. The font size of page 2 of any PVsyst report seems to be set too large. With the same line spacing as previously, this results in garbling of the output text (image below, if I've done this right). This is a serious problem if presenting PVsyst yield reports to clients. Are there any settings available to correct this, or is it a problem with the build? Thanks, Iain
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