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  1. Hi Hizir, I need to precise that the issue is present in all projects. Today I installed PVSyst into another machine with Win11 and the problem is present too. I attach in the email that I've just send to you the Log of PVSyst installed in Win10 and in Win11. Each machine are installed on VMs running MacOS Parallels, but until a few days ago PVSyst never crashed. In this video ( https://www.dropbox.com/t/1DiAg2Yfp3W9db5p ) you can see the behavior of PVSyst. I'm waiting for your response rapidly. Thanks, Roberto Bissanti
  2. I'm using PVSyst 7.3.4 on Windows 10, about few days ago, when i try to generate report or print the electric scheme PVsyst crash the PC and I must reboot it. I don't know what's the cause but it became impossibile work with PVSyst and for my job it's catastrophic. Please someone have the solutions? Thanks, Roberto
  3. Hi everybody, I have to design a photovoltaic system on a roof of a building of circular shape and I'd like to know if there is a method to define a photovoltaic zone of circular shape. I looking for your precious answers. BS, Roberto Bissanti
  4. Hi everybody, I have to design a photovoltaic system on a roof of a building of circular shape and I'd like to know if there is a method to define a photovoltaic zone of circular shape. I looking for your precious answers. BS, Roberto Bissanti
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