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  1. Thank you.
  2. Many thanks! It works now. Regards
  3. I am only able to pick a DAM file on the simulation drop down "meas. data". However I only have MET file. Why am I only limited to DAM file? If so, how can I convert a MET file to DAM file so I can run my simulation? See attached screen shot displaying the only DAM file available on the dropdown that is not related to the site of the project. Thanks, Al
  4. Hello. When I try to do a simulation (tools > measure data analysis ), and I load the corect project, when I click in "Site and Meteo" I see the correct Project Site. However, below at the "System Variant" section, in the "meas. data" dropdown, I only have a choice to select a .DAM file from Geneva, so I am not able to run the Simulation with the correct Site. How do I attach the correct Project Site into the "meas. data" drop down? Do I have to convert my Site.MET file into DAM? How do I do that properly so that I can use the correct .DAM file on the Simulation? Thanks and Regards, Al
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