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Everything posted by vijay.tnjr

  1. I have recently updated the PVsyst V6.86 version. I am not getting beam incident collector plane irradiation values correctly. It shows zero throughout the year.See below comparison table with Version 6.7.3.
  2. I have to reduce my cost of system. So i planning to use 2 runs X 150 Sq.mm Cable Instead of 300 Sq.mm Cable. But i cant use Runs in PV Syst Software.
  3. Now i have a project of facade type solar module mounting. i drawn in pv syst. i can able to see shadows in pv panel. But i cant calculate shading factor. if error shows seems "The shading area is lower than the pv module area". Shading area is also pv module. it is facade type of structure.please give me solution for this issue.
  4. correct, It should be a homogeneous but not all the inverters. Example: SMA/kaco inverters, they are give a provision to connect different series connections as per total number of panel.( Sunny design Tool).
  5. How can i use different series and parallel combination in single inverter with different MPPT?
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