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  1. I was trying to manually import data from 1961. While I could get this to work with the sample files, I could not with my own data, even though the input file was practically identical. After much difficulty, a pop-up came up and stated that PVsyst is only compatible with years 1980-2060. I found this to be very frustrating for two reasons: 1. This was not stated anywhere in the tutorial or help file. 2. As the data is manually, why should the year range matter? As long as there are a sufficient number of file entries, this should not be an issue. Thank you.
  2. For all the advanced technical functionality of PVsyst, its inability to export directly to PDF, or compare different variants within the same report, limits the program's user-friendliness. Although I understand this may not be on the top of the priority list, compared to upgrading technical details of the programming, small tweaks such as this would greatly enhance the program's utility. Thank you for considering.
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