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Everything posted by Fredy

  1. Hi im trying to make an simulation where i have an central inverter with 2 diferent panels. The caracteristics are very similar so it shouldn't harm the inverter. - I've been searching on PVsyst i think its not possible but i want your confirmation or if it is possible to do it another way? (PVsyst 5.73) Thank you for your support.
  2. Hello I need to know something about the Near Sahdings Orientations When i import something from helios3d for exemple i have a specific orientation, but because of the terrain slops we get an diferent orientation in the "Shadings" panel see the image attached how is this orientation calculated? Is it a mean of all the tables orientations? Is it a Maximum/Minimum? Where do this values come from? Thanks in advance
  3. Hello Is it possible to print the .PAN files pdf with the dimensions (L x H x W) because normally it just shows L x H Thanks in advance
  4. Hello I want to simulate AC losses for a system with 4 Central inverters with a 300mm2 output cable The minimum wiring sections that appears in PVsyst for that configuration is from 3000mm2 to 30000mm2 Is the Section in PVsyst a sum of all the sections 4invertes x 300mm2 x 3 cables per inverter (about 3600mm2)? Or how do you choose the AC cable section in order to have an accurate simulation? Thanks in advance
  5. Fredy

    Ohmic Loss Ratio

    When i have more than 1 Inverter Type in 2 sub-fields how do you calculate the Ohmic wiring resistance for each Sub-field. This Solar system does not have main boxes the strings are directly connected to the inverters This gives me an extremely low ohmic loss if i calculate it with the parallel of all strings like 0.005 mOhm If I calculate the equivalent resistance of the average of strings per inverter, the result is around 7 mOhm. But if I put 7 mOhm in both sub systems the one with more inverters gives me more loss Fraction (%) 1. How do you relate the resistance with the number of inverters? 2. Does the global wiring resistance refers to the equivalent resistance of the parallel of strings in just one inverter or does it refers to the equivalent resistance of all the inverters in the system
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