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  1. Hello, I use almost 90% of time the PVGIS ressource than Meteonorm. We have projects all around the world and PVGIS have almost the same irradiation data with the pay data from Solargis. I can assure that statement because, after some project is already secured, we continue to acquire bankable data from Solargis, and we compare both results after a P50/P90 analysis. The only location where we use Meteonorm is in Australia/Oceania, Indonesia and around. Why? Because, PVGIS does not have the complete information need to run the simulation as usual. Indeed, I have a small alert window which pop out from PVSyst with this issue. Now, I am here because, I would like to read some others experiences with Metenorm and/or Meteomatics (another source like Solargis).
  2. Hello, I have the following situation: I have a file .CSV which has the solar radiation and meteorological data from one location for 15 years (every 30 min). I understand well how to make the conversion for every single year (parting this file in 15 different .csv files - one for each year). HOWEVER, this action take me to long to do it, there is a way to make this conversion for 15 years and, later if I want to make the simulation I may choose the specific year? Thank you
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