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  1. Thank you for your patience with me and for your guidance. If I understood properly, the Automatic inclination provides modules set parallely to the ground, according to the requested azimuth and the requested distance to the ground, no matter the tilt requested for the tables. In case of non automatic setup of tables tilt, the tilt requested is complied with, no matter the ground slope : the supports might differ from one table to the other, in order to compensate for the uneven natural ground. In fact, this is to be used after earthworks provinding an even ground. So, in order to get modules tilted with a fixed tilt on an uneven ground, PVSYST might help in two main steps : - first select Automatic tilt of tables, fill the zone and retrieve from tools orientation management, the tables characteristics; - second, deselect Automatic tilt, then modify manually, one by one, the tilt of the tables by adding the tilt provided by the tables supports, close the orientation management tools, recalculate the shading factors table and run the simulation. Thanks in advance to confirm my understanding.
  2. May I add up one question ? I set the tables parallel to the curves of same altitude, thanks to a field azimuth of -70°. The ground slope, perpendicularly to these curves is about 10°. In the Fields properties, I set the tilt to 15°, which is the tilt provided by the posts holding the modules and 0 for the azimuth and 0 for shed base tilt. I select Automatic tilt. I am surprised by the results : - on the XY view, the tables seem all to be aligned according to the reqired azimuth of 70° ; but in the table of characteristics of all tables of the field, the table azimuthes rank from -70° to -112° ! - I was expecting a table tilt around 10+15=25° which is not the case. Visually, 15° are observed with difficulty but the table of characteristics shows figures ranking from 2.5° to 6.7°. Beyond the interpretation of the above mentioned figures, how to design a field with supports tilting the modules by 15°, measured from the ground, supports set on a ground having a 10° slope, providing an overall module tilt of 25° ? Thanks in advance.
  3. Thank you very much. It's very clear to me.
  4. Forget my question about "Dazimut is randomly either 20 or -160". This is due to the fact that the requested table slope was 0°. Then the tables slopes reflect the ground slope.
  5. Hello, My initial problem is to locate the tables assigned to each one of the 8 differents orientations used for the simulation. I could then decide not to use some of the tables, in order to simplify the material selection, (supports and inverter), get a simplier strings arrangement and simplify also the site works. By exporting the data of a shade scene, I need some explanations. PVSYST announces 8 different orientations when the export file assigns to all tables the same orientation number : -1 How could I locate the tables concerned by each of the 8 different orientations used for the simulation ? What is the exact meaning of Dinclin, Dazimut and BaseSlope ? I requested to orientate the tables 20° towards West. Dazimut is randomly either 20 or -160 ? How should I interpret this info ? Thanks in advance for your help. Export Scene ombrage Plateau entier 20 Ouest.pdf
  6. Thank you for the tip that allow to export a .SHD file describing in PVSYST language the shade scene. I had dreamed about a table. I will make it for the .SHD file. Thank you.
  7. Hello, On uneven ground, with automatic slope of modules tables, the distribution of the different orientations among the different tables is not easy to visualize. This is important to assign the tables to the mppt of the inverter and to detect if the table distribution on the ground leads to a realistic system or not. Today, I mark a vertical view of the whole tables set, with the number of each table, open the dialog for each table, one by one and record manually the different characteristics of each table : so lengthy ! Could it be possible to get automatically such report ?
  8. Bonjour, Désolé, de ne pas connaître les intitulés concernés en anglais. Le volet qui permet de définir cet objet comme objet d'ombrage élémentaire comporte un champ intitulé Proportion du pan 1. L'unité de mesure de ce champ est indiqué comme étant en mètre, alors qu'il s'agit d'une proportion : le rapport de la projection horizontale du pan tourné vers le Sud local, sur la longueur totale du pignon. La valeur vraisemblable est comprise entre 0 et 1. Cordialement Michel
  9. Hello, My site is designed with _Universal Li-ion battery, 21S1P, rated pack voltage 537.6V, rated pack capacity 37.5Ah, stored energy 20.16kWh max. On the investment view the battery capacity appear to be 38kWh. Any clue ?
  10. Hello, With full back-up system, some of the electrical consumers may be selected not to be backed-up, in order to extend the back-up for some more important loads. This is done by electrical design of the distribution cubicle, with the disconnexion box isolating only the important loads from the grid when the grid is out of order; the regular loads remain waiting for the grid to resume proper operation to start anew. Look at the appended wiring HUAWEI diagram. The island mode consumption profiles differs from the one when connected to the grid. How could it be possible to separate the checks of the storage design (only impacted by the important loads and the hybrid inverter) from the self-consumption performance, which depends from all consumers ? Thanks in advance.
  11. Hello, I created a second meteo file in order to compare simulations based on different meteo data sources. When I go through the drop down list of meteo file, the new file does not show up. When I open the meteo file data base, I can select the new file but when returning on the project summary, the old file is still listed. How to make my selection permanent ? Many thanks in advance ?
  12. Sorry for my question, I don not find the way to open an old project. If I use the MS-Windows file manager, while PVSYST is running, by clicking on a variant of the desired project, I get a warning about two sessions of PVSYST running simultaneouslu. So after closing PVSYST, clicking of the selected variant in the MS-Windows file manager, simply opens PVSYS. File > Import project is looking for previously exported ones, under zip format. File > Project proposes only to create different sort of projects. Thanks for your kind help.
  13. Hello, I have the same problem : I am asked to cover the maximum surface of the roofs and therefore I have 3 small sub-arrays with different shades but all the Solaredge optimizers will be in a single string. If I select only 1 string per inverter, PVsyst proposes 3 inverters. If I leave 3 strings per inverter, then PVSyst refuses to launch the computation, stating that the string voltage will be too small !
  14. Hello, Here is the description of the PV system: Paramètres d'orientation Type de champ: Plan incliné fixe Inclinaison plan/azimut = 25°/18° Compatibilité entre système et ombrages Orientation du système compinclin/azim = 25° / 18° 3 sous-champs PNom = 112 kWp, surface de modules = 535 m² champs ombrages 3D 4 tables, : , surface brute totale , . 739 m² Paramètres du système 3 sous-champs définis Sous-champ #1 Shed 6 Modules PV: 4 strings of 23 modules in series, 92 total Pnom = 405 Wc Pnom array = 37 kWc, Area = 178 m² Onduleurs (110 kWac) 4 entrées MPPT, Total 35 kW Sous-champ #2 Shed 7 Modules PV: 4 strings of 23 modules in series, 92 total Pnom = 405 Wc Pnom array = 37 kWc, Area = 178 m² Onduleurs (110 kWac) 4 entrées MPPT, Total 38 kW Sous-champ #3 Shed 8 Modules PV: 4 strings of 23 modules in series, 92 total Pnom = 405 Wc Pnom array = 37 kWc, Area = 178 m² Onduleurs (110 kWac) 4 entrées MPPT, Total 35 kW I removed the shading scene description, suspecting it has no impact on the issue. I try to use one single invertor Sunny Tripower STP 110-60-Core2, with 12 mppt to accept the 3 sub-arrays. I manage to assign only Shed 6 and Shed 7, so 8 mppt, and the Shed 9 is greyed so I cannot add it up to the configuration. Checking Auto-equal Pnom or not does not change the fact that Shed 9 is out of reach. Furthermore, I do not understand why the Pnom/MPPT figures do not match the actual hereabove given description, in the Power sharing dialog box. It shows the following : - Shed 6 => 8.871 kW/MPPT, 8.06%Pnom, - Shed 7 => 9.462 kW/MPPT, 8.60%Pnom As both strings have the same amount of modules, one should read 9.315kW/MPPT Thanks in advance for your help.
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