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  1. Has PVsyst updated their Bifacial simulation with the use of 3D Shading Scene? Previously, it didn't allow to use bifacial simulation when a 3D shading scene was imported. I had imported a 3D shading scene for a single-axis tracking system, with various N/S Axis tilt values for the trackers (based on the topo of the site). I was able to run the simulation with bifacial system turned on. Are the results consistent and reliable?
  2. I am also facing the same problem. The production and yield values of my existing Single-Axis tracker Bifacial Model have gone down when I ran the simulation with the new PVsyst version. The Bifacial model orientation is getting changed in the report (The tracker spacing and width in the report are not what I had provided in the model ; please see the screenshot) It would be really helpful if PVsyst Team could provide a solution, Thank you, Michael Herseth
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