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Everything posted by saikatghosh90

  1. I am estimating the snow loss using Townsends model and soiling loss using Kimber's model based on daily rainfall data. I am using POWER NASA data to obtain the daily rainfall. THe following is the snow loss and soiling loss estimated for certain place in US- Loss Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Soiling loss % 1.39 2.37 2.33 1.52 0.57 0.51 0.62 0.68 0.94 1.35 2.18 2.91 Snow Loss % 1.47 1.89 0.76 0.12 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 1.00 It can be seen in the months when snow loss are high, the soiling loss obtained from Kimber's model is also high. But IMO, the snow will also induce some cleaning effect while melting, thus soiling loss be lower than estimated using Kimber's model. So, soiling loss% in the months when snow loss is high, in my opinion we should consider lower loss. Say, in Jan instead of 1.39%, can we consider 0.5%, because snow loss is also higher ?
  2. how to get a curve between irradiance and time which will show how long the pv array got how much irradiance? the plant would get irradiance around 1000 W.m-2 for the very less time, most the time irradiance would be around 300-500 W.m-2.
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