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Shy A

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Everything posted by Shy A

  1. Thanks Andre, indeed, V.22 fixed this issue, see below.
  2. Hi Siri, I'm not sure about the System screen going red, but with regards to the shading calculation, I found that the following method best represents the SolarEdge performance under shading: You should use 100% electrical effect, and partition the module strings in a way that will define each sub-module. A sub module is the row of cells in a module that are protected under a bypass diode. In 60 cell module you usually have 3 bypass diodes, and in 72 cell modules you will have between 3 and 6 diodes (consult the datasheet or look in the PVsyst module parameters). So, this means that, for a 60 cell module for example, you will partition each module into three sub-modules, or 'strings'. See the image below for what it will look like: What you will have, in effect, is many tiny 'strings', and this mimics the ability of the SolarEdge system to manage power even on a sub-module level. Using 'Linear' shading loss is a good approximation of the SolarEdge performance, but using the above method may produce more realistic results. Note that for a traditional system, you need to partition the module strings in a size that correcponds to a whole string of modules, so you will get much larger 'rectangles' of course.
  3. Hi, I am simulating a 440kWp system with a Solectria central inverter. The inverter's efficiency is 97.9%/97.5%, and there is shading on the roof. I am using the module layout to accurately calculate the shading loss. The inverter is loaded at 1.47 DC/AC - so there is power clipping. My question relates to the various efficiency losses of the inverter, as can be seen in the image attached: -1.6% Inverter Loss during operation (efficiency) - (this is higher than the max efficiency...) -0.5% Inverter Loss over nominal inv. power - (this is the power clipping) 0.0% Inverter Loss due to power threshold 0.0% Inverter Loss over nominal inv. voltage -1.4% Inverter Loss due to voltage threshold (is this due to the shading preventing the inverter from reaching operating/MPP voltage?) My question is: why is the efficiency at 1.6%, where it should be 2-3%? does it have a relationship with the voltage threshold efficiency loss? Thank you! Shy
  4. Hi, Is there any way to output the annual loss of energy due to 2 different orientations? I see in the graphs that you provide the instantaneous loss of energy - so the data is available, but not for an annual summation as far as I can see. Thanks, Shy
  5. Hi, I am simulating a system with East and West facades. Each facade has one string. I ran 2 simulations: one with a single tracker inverter, and one with a dual tracker inverter (each string to its own MPPT). The results are practically identical. My question is, does the simulation account for the difference in MPP between the facades, and the inverter's "happy medium" MPP choice? If so, where in the losses diagram is this loss specified? Attached, the two diagrams from both simulations. Thank you, Shy
  6. Hi, I have a request for the Tarification interface: is it possible to add a third season? Many utilities have Summer, Winter and a mid-season as well. This will allow us to calculate revenue for the markets we work in. Thank you! Shy
  7. Thank you Bruno, I was able to activate it using your advice. In my case, I had to insert some commercial values in the .PAN and .OND parameters.
  8. Hi, How do I un-ghost the Financial Balance button? I would like to specify a different FIT for different hours during the year, and optimize the array accordingly. Thanks
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