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Everything posted by sergio

  1. Hello everyone, Is it possibòe to change the language of the simulation report? Thanks Sergio
  2. I have to simulate the following performances: (i) Produce a power output of at least ninety-seven-point eight percent (97.8%) of the minimum power output specified in the applicable module data sheet during the first six (6) months following the Warranty Start Date considered as the average of the measures (ii) Produce a power output of at least ninety-seven-point five percent (97.5%) of the minimum power output specified in the applicable module data sheet during the twelve (12) months following the Warranty Start Date. (iii) have a yearly maximum decrease (or degradation) of power of not more than zero point five percent (0.5%) from start of the second (2nd) twelve (12)-month period following the Warranty Start Date until the end of such twelve (12)-month period, and repeated for each successive twelve (12)-month period until the twenty-fifth (25th) anniversary of the Warranty Start Date. Is PVsyst be able to perform what listed above? And in case, which are the related graphs? Thanks in advance Sergio
  3. I have imported a 3D scene (.pvc) carried out with PVCase. The solar field has 372 trackers and the 3D scene imported is been scomposed in 372 objects named ''tracking field #xxx''. I had thought that what I did was all right to launch the calculation of the shading scene with the option linear shadings. I was a little bit surprised when PVsyst shown me the following alert: ''The backtracking strategy is based on distance and width of trackers. Therefore you should define at least one subfield with several trackers. Please correct the shading scene.'' My question is: why PVsyst ask me to define at least one subfield with several trackers when all these informations are defined in the imported 3D scene of all the PV field (orientation, dimension, pitch, quantity of the trackers). Based on the above, what is the correct procedure to carrried out the calculation of the linear shadings? Thanks in advance Sergio
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